P.C. 2601 Disobeying a Peace Officer Infraction $5000 Willfully refusing or failing to comply with a lawful order, signal, or direction of any peace officer.

P.C. 2602 Disorderly Conduct Misdemeanor 10 months $2,000 Engages in behavior intending to cause public inconvenience.

P.C. 2603 Disturbing the Peace Infraction $3000 Unlawfully fighting, or challenging another person to fight, in a public place. Disturbing another person by loud and unreasonable noise; if this is done willfully and maliciously. Using offensive words in a public place, if the words are likely to provoke an immediate violent reaction

P.C. 2604 False Reporting Misdemeanor 10 months $5,000 Reports a false or non existent crime.

P.C. 2605 Harassment Misdemeanor 10 months $5,000 Intimidates or pressures another person aggressively with unwelcome words, deeds, actions, or gestures. Continued harassmanet aggravates the charge leading to $10,000 per occurence being added to the charge.

P.C. 2606 Obstruction Felony 15 months $10,000 Willfully tampers with the discovery, apprehension, conviction or punishment of a crime after a crime has been committed or charged.

P.C. 2607 Inciting a Riot Felony 45 months $10,000 Organizes an event/assembly which results in violent conduct or creates a risk of causing public harm with a group of at least four people.

P.C. 2608 Loitering Infraction $5,000 Intentionally standing or waiting idly without apparent purpose.

P.C. 2609 Tampering Felony 15 months $6,000 Tampering with property of another person or entity with intent to cause substantial inconvenience or gain unlawful access for monetary gain. Must be caught in the act with item from P.C. 1204

P.C. 2610 Animal Cruelty Misdemeanor 10 months $4,000 Maliciously and intentionally wounds or kills an animal.

P.C. 2612 Failure to Provide Identification Felony 15 months $10,000 Refusing to provide government issued identification when there is probable cause to request it.

P.C. 2613 Government Corruption Felony 2 years $20,000 The use of powers by government officials or their network contacts for illegitimate private/personal gain.

P.C. 2614 Vigilantism Felony 15 months $1,000 Law enforcement undertaken without legal authority by a self-appointed group or person.

P.C. 2615 Government Grand Larceny Felony 15 months $3,000 The unlawful taking of government property worth more than $2000.00. See PC. 2203 (B) for vehicles.

P.C. 2616 Unlawful Assembly Misdemeanor 10 months $5,000 Participates in an event/assembly which results in violent conduct or creates a risk of causing public harm with a group of at least four people.