P.C. 2501 Bribery Felony 15 months $10,000 Confers, or agrees to confer, any benefit upon a public servant upon an agreement or understanding that such public servant's vote, opinion, judgment, action, decision or exercise of discretion as a public servant will thereby be influenced.

P.C. 2502 Contempt of Court Felony Judge Discretion Judge Discretion The act of being disobedient to or discourteous towards a court of law and its officers in the form of behavior that opposes or defies the authority, justice and dignity of the court. Time/Fine is Judge Discretion.

P.C. 2503 Possession of Stolen Property Misdemeanor 10 months $5,000 Possesses any physical property that is reported stolen. This includes but is not limited to; billstraps, goldbars, jewelry and any items obtained from a bank.

P.C. 2503b Sale / Purchase of Stolen Property Felony 12 months $6,000 The selling/purchasing of any stolen goods. This includes but is not limited to; billstraps, goldbars, jewelry and any items obtained from a bank.

P.C. 2504 Escaping Misdemeanor 10 months $2,000 Escapes the custody of the government of their own free will.

P.C. 2505 Jailbreak Felony 20 months $10,000 Breaks into government buildings designated for detainment or imprisonment with intent to break a prisoner out.

P.C. 2506 Perjury Felony 30 months $50,000 Knowingly lies under oath verbally or through writing in judicial proceedings.

P.C. 2507 Violating a Court Order (court) Misdemeanor

Judge Discretion

Willful disobedience of the terms written in a court order.

P.C. 2508 Failure to Appear Misdemeanor Judge Discretion Failure to Appear in Court when summoned

P.C. 2509 Unlawful Practice Felony 15 months $10,000 Practices law or medicine without proper state-sanctioned licensing.

P.C. 2510 Embezzlement (court) Felony 30 months Judge Discretion Steals or misappropriates funds that are used for a specific purpose.

P.C. 2511 Conspiracy - Misdemeanor Infraction $5,000 Any act of conspiracy (See definition at the top) to commit a misdemeanor. This is also called a "Wobbler.".

P.C. 2512 Conspiracy to Commit Fraud Felony 15 Months $50,000 Any act of conspiracy (See definition at the top) to defraud someone out of money or property. This can be filed as a misdemeanor or as a felony based on the facts of the case and criminal history.

P.C. 2513 Graft (court) Felony 1 year $300,000 The unlawful acquistion of public money through improper and/or questionable transactions with public officials.

P.C. 2514 Violation of Restraining Order Felony 20 months $5,000 Violating a lawful restraining order.

P.C. 2516 Anti-Mask Law Misdemeanor 5 months $2,000 Willfully wears a mask and refuses to remove it in a public institution (Police stations, hospitals, courthouses) or in hinderance of law enforcements duties.

P.C. 2517 Operating without a permit Misdemeanor 10 months $999,999 The illegal act of operation of an activity that requires a valid permit. The fine can not exceed 110% of the permit price.